Tulip Fields near The Hague Monet reproduction oil painting reproductions
Tulip Fields near The Hague Monet reproduction oil painting reproductions
Tulpenvelden bij Den Haag Monet reproductie, geschilderd in olieverf op doek
2 Reviews | Review toevoegen
In 1886 bezocht Monet Nederland en was erg onder de indruk van de kleurige tulpenvelden. Van Gogh ging niet veel later op zijn beurt naar en zuiden van Frankrijk en werd geïnspireerd door de mediterra

✔ Gratis verzending

1-2 dagen uit voorraad. Anders 5-7 weken.

€ 525,00
Prijs per schilderij, in beschermende koker.
Tulpenvelden bij Den Haag Monet reproduction

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Review toevoegen
Henry Cooper - 04-09-2019 13:54

Hi, I just wanted take a minute to let you know about my buyer’s remorse as we call it here.
You see, I really don’t have Any.

The longer I have your reproductions, the more I appreciate your work.
You are right about the joy of having your beautiful oil painting in person.

I especially noticed the brush strokes one morning when the light of the sunrise gave both paintings a beautiful hue enhancing the vibrant colors. The shadows of the paint strokes brought the dimensions of the paint out as well. Love that.

Just want to thank you for fullfilling my request and making me very happy with my two favorite artists at a great price.

Josie said to mention the ambience of the scent of the oils as well.
Your Van Gogh is exceptional.

Look forward to meeting you during Formula 1.

Danku, Erik.



Henry Cooper - 26-07-2019 09:23

I received the paintings yesterday and opened them up at the frame shop today. Beautiful. Much better in person as usual.

Thanks fir sharing your talents. Stunning.